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United States of America

This agreement entered into this 1st day of March 1867, by and between Charles F. Rand Captain V.R.C. and Sub Asst. Com. Bu. R.F. and A.L. and his successor in Office for the United States of America of the first part and George Tucker Carpenter of the second part. Witnesseth

That - for the consideration hereinafter mentioned the said party of the second part promises to repair the building known as the Freedmen's School House at Marshall Texas and to adapt it for use as a Freedmen's School and for that purpose to manufacture benches and desks sufficient to accommodate one hundred pupils to build and hang tight board blinds on all the windows except two, which are to be boarded up and to build a flight of steps from the main upper entrance to the ground. Also to make two black boards. The whole to be completed on or before the 20th day of March 1867. And the said Charles F. Rand for the United States agrees in consideration of the faithful performance of the above agreement, to pay the said George Tucker the sum of Fifty Dollars by voucher for that amount; to be certified by the said