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State of Texas} Navasota, Texas
County of Grimes} Know all men by these presents that we the undersigned parties, have this day, entered into the following agreement, viz: that T.J.J. Jameson of the first above State and County, agree on my part, to make all the necessary repairs; to the freedmens schoolhouse at Navasota- as follows: six double each & glass as windows, two doors, furnishing the plank for a floor twenty by twenty feet, sheeting for the roof, and covering the same with boards, and doing all necessary work, to make the same tenable and comfortable, for the use of the above school, for the sum of One Hundred Dollars U.S.C. and that J. Edward Miller, Capt. V.R.C. and Sub Asst. Comr. Bureau R.F. & A.L. on my part agree, to pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars U.S.C. for the above repairs, as soon as completed. 
In witness whereof we have herewith set our lands this the 25th day of March 1867.
Chas Griffin,
Bvt Major General,
Asst Commissioner

J.J. Jameson
Edwd. Miller. Capt. V.R.C.
Sub Asst Comr Bu R.F. & A.L.