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Brazoria Co.
State of Texas
Articles of agreement made and entered into this 30th day of Mch. 1867. between Lieut Jas Hutchison, V.R.C. S.A.C. Bu. R.F and A.L of the first part, and Franz Strauch of the Town of Brazoria, State of Texas, of the second part. Witnesseth: -
That the said Sub. Asst. Comr. for and in behalf of the United States and the said Frances Strauch have mutually agreed and by these presents do mutually agree to and with each other, as follows.
Ist, The said Franz Strauch shall furnish all the necessary labor, lumber, nails &cc, for the construction of Twelve (12) Benches, four (4) with desks, and desk for Teacher for the use of Freedmen's School to be held in a building owned by Louis Jack (F.M.C.) In the town of Brazoria, State of Texas, the work to be done in a good and substantial manner and to the satisfaction of the Sub. Asst. Comr. and withing eight days from the date of this contract.
IInd Upon the completion of the work as above set forth the Sub Asst. Commissioner for and in behalf of the United States agrees to pay the said Franz Strauch the sum of Forty ($40.00) Dollars, in funds furnished by the United States for distribution.