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This Article of agreement made and entered into this the 1st day of April 1867 by and between W. B. Pease Capt 17th Infty Bvt. Lt. Col. U.S.A. and Sub Asst Comr Bu of R.F. & A.L. at Houston Harris Co. Texas for the United States of America of the first part and Peter Noble f.M.C.  of the same County and State of the second part.

Witnesseth: That the party of the second part agrees to make certain repairs (as per specifications herein after set forth) in a building rented for school purposes for the education of freed-people in the City of Houston Viz: To take down two of the partitions now in the building: To make Sixteen (16) double school desks each four (4) feet long - Thirty Six (36) benches with backs each Ten feet long and Twenty Four (24) benches with backs each Eight (8)feet long - Said desks and benches to be fastened to the floor as directed by the party of the first part: To make Two (2) desks for teachers - To repair the doors and windows of the building and to put on the back door of the building a strong bolt and on the front door a lock. All to be completed in a good substantial and workmanlike manner within a reasonable time after the making of this contract.

In consideration of the faithful performance of the above the party of the first part for the United States of America agree to pay to the party of the second part the sum of One Hundred and Fifty Seven (157)Dollars and Fifty (50)cents in U.S. Currency
In testimony whereof we have hereunto affixed our hands and seals on the day and date above written

W.F. Pease Bvt Lt Col U.S.A. S.A.C [[seal]
Peter his X mark Nobel Contractor [[seal]]

S.J. Warner
E A Metcalf

[[written on top of text]]
Chas Griffin
Bvt. Major General
Asst Commissioner
[[/written on top of text]]

Transcription Notes:
It has Approved written across the text at the bottom, Charles Griffin Major General Asst Commissioner. Not sure where to put that in the transcription.