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United States of America
Articles of Agreement

Entered into the first day of the month of July. A.D. 1867. between E M Wheelock Inspector of School of the Bureau R.F. & A.L. for State of Texas and his Successors in office of the one part, for and on behalf of the United States of America and James Thomas Carpenter of the city of Galveston of the other part, for an on behalf of himself, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns,

Witnesseth: That the said E M Wheelock for and on behalf of the United States of America as said and the said James Thomas, for himself his heirs executors administrators and assigns, as said have mutually agreed and do by these present mutually covenant and agree to and with each other as follows:

That the said James Thomas shall repair the school building on lot No. 5. Block No 248. in said city of Galveston Texas and adapt it for use as a freedman school house according to the following specification, To Wit: - To Batten the entire building, to furnish and set 10 windows with lights 12x18 inches, to furnish and hang a large double door with bolts and locks complete windows and door frames to have inside casing to furnish 10 seats with back sails 6 feet long, platform 10 feet by 20 feet between end windows, two outhouses four feet