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State of Texas
County of Fayette

Articles of Agreement made and entered into this 16th day of June 1868 between Louis W Stevenson S.A.C. B.R.F.& A. Lands of the first part and Moses Kealing of the Town of La Grange & County of Fayette & State of Texas, of the 2nd part. Witnesseth: That the said party of the 2nd part doeth agree & by these presents doeth bind himself to furnish material and make seats & desks, also put in six windows - in the school house belonging to the Trustees of the Freedman's School Association of La Grange. Said work to be done in a workmanlike manner - & material furnish by the party of the second part in accordance with the underwritten specifications.

100 feet best pine plank - desks & seats to be connected & made in the usual style for Common schools.

6 sash - filled 3 x 6 feet - glass 12 x 14 & good [[merchantable]] quality.
In consideration of the faithful performance of the Contract by the party of the 2nd part in - acordance with the above written specifications the party of the 1st part for and on the behalf of B.R.F. & AL doeth hereby agree to pay to the party of the 2nd part the sum of 
Eighty dollarw lawful Currency of the United States
In witness whereof we have hereto signed our names afixed [[?]] for seals this 17th of June 1868
Louis W Stevenson [[seal]]
Moses Keating [[seal]]
W [[? French?]]