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shall complete the said school house immediately upon the approval of this contract by the Asst. Comr. B. R F. and A.L. State of Texas.  

Thirdly it is agreed that the said G.W. Grant G.W. Benchly Benj. Courtade and R.B. Bristol shall receive for said repairs on said school house when completed to the satisfaction of Wm. H. Sinclair Asst. Supt. of Education or his successor in office the sum of One thousand and Twenty Six 89/100 Dolls in vouchers to be certified by the said Wm. H. Sinclair and his successors in office to be paid by the D.O. B. R.F. and A.L. State of Texas. 

Fourth that no member of Congress nor any agent or officer of the united States shall be admitted to any interest or share in this contract or the results to arise therefrom.  In witness whereof the said parties do herewith set their hands and seals at Hunsville Walker Co Texas this 12th day of May A.D. 1869.  

Executed in quadruplicate.  
Wm. Sinclair  {L.S} 
Asst Supt Ed.   


Jos. Welch 
Supt of Education.   

Geo.W. Grant  {LS}  
G.W. Benchly  {LS} 
B. Courtade  {LS} 
RB Bristol  {LS}