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Entered into this Twenty Fourth day of the month of January A.D. 1870 between Louis W. Stevenson Asst  Superintendent of Education, Bureau of R.F. & A.L., and his successors in office, of the one part, for and on behalf of the United States of America, and W.R. Fayle of the other part, for and on behalf of himself his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns,
Witnesseth, That the said Louis W Stevenson for and on behalf of the United States of America, as said, and the said W.R. Fayle for himself his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, as said have mutually agreed, and do by these Presents, mutually covenant and agree to and with each other as follows:

First: That the said W.R. Fayle agrees to construct a School House for the use of the Colored people at Alleyton Colorado County Texas Texas, in accordance with Specification of same, (hereunto attached,) which Specification is considered, and made a part of this Agreement.

All material and labor to be furnished by the party of the second part.

The building to be [[strikethrough]] constructed [[/strikethrough]] repaired in the best workmanlike manner, and lo [[to]] the satisfaction of the party of the first part or his authorized Agent.

Second: That the said W.R. Fayle shall commence [[strikethrough]]] the construction of [[/strikethrough]] repairing said School House upon the approval of this Contract, and shall have the same completed and ready for occupation within Thirty days after Official notification of approved Contract

Third: That the said W.R. Fayle shall receive for [[strikethrough]] constructing [[/strikethrough]] repairing said School House, when completed and accepted by the Superintendent of Education, the sum of One hundred & Seventy Five dollars, in U.S. Funds, payment to be made as follows: On Completion and acceptance of the work

Fourth: That if any objection shall be made to the said School House when completed, a Board of three United States Officers shall be convened, to decide whether the same has been [[strikethrough]] constructed [[/strikethrough]] repaired according to the Specification aforesaid of this Agreement; the decision of the same shall be final.