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House  20 x 40 feet - 12 feet in clear.

Roof  To be of first quality of cypress shingles, laid 5 inches to the weather on good quality of sheating. Rafters to be 2 x 4 inches

Siding  To be of good quality yellow pine, 12 in wide. Cracks to be covered with three inch strips

Flooring  To be of good quality dressed pine plank, tongued and grooved, secret nailed and laid on 2 x 10 inch joists, 2 feet apart. Ceiling joists 2 x 6 inches.

Windows  Eight in number - 3 on each side - 2 on back end. Twelve lights in each 12 x 18 inches.

Transcription Notes:
12-26-2020: Deciphered remaining words; Marking for review Need help with a few words