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Falls Co
[[11 columned table]]
| Town | Owners | Amount of Rent | Date | Length of Lease | By whom Rented | Repairs | By whom | Amount | Date | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---|

| Marlin | T Chubbs Agt for Mrs Abby Chambers | one dollar in hand | Jany 1/67 | 5 years | Daniel Battle William Battle } Caldwell Polk } f.m. |   |   |   |   | One acre of ground & log School house. Reports June 1/67 no house hired nor leased for school purposes no repairs no private Schools not under control of the Bureau |

Fort Bend Co
|   |   |   |   |   | W H Rock Sub Asst Com |   |   |   |   | Sub Asst. Com. Report no School house hired by Bureau, and no private School not under control of Bureau, One School Taught by Miss Cole & Rev D. Gregory at $25. each under control of the Bureau, Mr Miller of Millican report a school at Arcola Station opened Apl 1/67 taught by Mr Kelsey has 30 children 20 adults |

Fannin Co
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Reports no schools thinks one can be started and will do so as soon as possible |

Transcription Notes:
ledger G H I J K