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According to information we have from the present owner, the details of these pictures are as follows:

1 - #25903
Painting, Spanish Art, Goya.
Painted in Bordeaux in 1827
Seated on a stool, an old lady at her toilet before a mirror takes a grotesque hair comb formed by large bows of pink ribbon. Her deformed nose and protruding chin are most prominent in her devastated face. Garbed in a white petticoat molding her emaciated forms. Behind her a young woman, whose full face and plump arms contrast with that of the old lady, maliciously stoops behind her back. Two young men are standing in front of the "Coquette"; one raises his eyes in the attitude of lover, the other places his fingers over his mouth as though to send her a kiss; on the toilet table, in front and in back of the mirror, bottles and accessories.

Pedigree: Ancienne collection Lacour de Bordeaux
Collection Jules Delpit à Bordeaux
Exposition Bordeaux 1882 "La Toilette"
No.942 due catalogue 'sention art Ancien
Collection Riquelme de Biarritz
Collection Paris de Paris

Reproduced: P1.50 Desparmet Fitz Gerald, Demotte Edt. 1923
Ch Yriarte, p1.151 ( without dimensions)
Cte. Vinaza, P.295 - No.115 (without dimensions)
P. Lafond, p.115, No.28

2 - #26810
A man with a cape. Goya. Spanish School XV111th Century.
Painted in 1777. Relined in 1900.
Pedigree: Study made for the cartoon for the Tapestry "Une promenade en Andalousie".
Collections: Don Jose Rivero, Madrid
Zapater y Gomez, Zaragosa
Joseph Demotte
(This painting will appear under #139 in Desparmet Fitz Gerald's next work on Goya).