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*......... which would stir up, I think, quite some enthusiasm. 

- 2 -

As I explained to you previously I have reason to believe that it would be better not to mention my name and I would be very pleased indeed to have the panel referred to further as being still yours. May I reaffirm also my complete willingness to compensate Jacques Mathey for such an undertaking and this to the amount that you would indicate to me, provided of course the importance of "Le Militaire" would receive its due recognition in the article and also be reproduced.

I do hope you will not think that I am taking advantage of your kindness in writing as I do and at such length, but I think that you will agree with me that the scarcity of such works warrants special efforts and this not only from a purely commercial angle but also and particularly from the aesthetic point of view and the one of history of art.

With renewed appreciation and personal regards, I am, 

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Dr. Edmund Schilling, 
69 Highview Gardens, 
Edgeware, Middlesex,