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March 18, 1957

Dear Dr. Schilling,

Your good lines of February 7th, only reached me a few days ago and I hasten to thank you for your kind thoughts of me.

I am of course delighted to hear of Mr. J. Mathey's intention of publishing a third volume containing early paintings by Watteau with reproductions. From all angles such a work would be of considerable interest, and I do hope that he will be able to carry out this project.

I have not yet seen the first volume on the drawings but from all reports, I understand that it is a corpus of true magnitude.

Answering your query I shall not be in Europe before the beginning of May at which time I understand you will be back in London when I shall be looking forward to seeing you again.

With renewed thanks and personal regards,

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Dr. Edmond Schilling
69 Highview Gardens,
Edgware, Middlesex