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C.A Seward
1534 North Holyoke Avenue 
Wichita Kansas
April 17, 1934

The Jacques Seligmann Galleries 
Three West 51st Street 
New York City

   Mr. William Salisbury,editor of the Prints Magazine, Has just sent me your address, stating that you are establishing a department of American prints and has suggested I write to you.

  The recen article in the Prints Magazine converning my work will give you some idea of the type of prints I am producing. The prices range from $3.00 to $25.00, with an average price from $6.00 to $15.00. the prevailing dealers commission has been 33 1/3 per cent
 If you are interested, I will be glad to send you a small group for your approval on consignment.
   Yours truly