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May 22nd, 1934. 

Dear Sir: 

We wish to thank you for your letter of May 10th., and for submitting the prints mentioned on the list enclosed with it. 

We have made a selection of the works we would like to keep on consignment - the are as follows: 

On Kansas Farm ............... $10.
Grasshopper Peak, Taos ......... 10. 
The Little Chapel.............. 4.
A Taos Gate....................6.
Old Pinion Trees................6. 
Mountains and Desert...........7.
Toadstool Rock.................7.
Somewhere in Mexico............25.
Pueblo Corner..................3.
Where Aspens Grow..............10.

Negro Village..................10.
Poplass and Adobe..............5. 

Dry Points: 
Three Geese....................10.
Three Pines....................6. 

Block Prints:
Big Pines - Raton Pass.........7.
Land of Mystery................7. 
On the Road to the Pueblo......7.

We understand the above prices, which are of course the prices which you have quoted us, include a 25% commission for the gallery in case of sale. 

The package containing the nine (9)lithographs  and one (1) etching which we have decided not to keep, is being sent to you by insured Parcel Post. 

Yours very truly, 

C.A. Seward, Esq.,
1534 Holyoke Avenue
Wichita, Kansas. 

Department of Contemporary American 