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Windsor Locks, Connecticut

Runway 6
220 feet wide; 9,525 feet long

Estimated commissioning February 1968

1. Localizer requires upgrading to Category II performance. V-ring antenna received. Region advises that installation is not scheduled until January 1968.

2. The SFL units within the first 1000′ of the ALS are non-standard in their heights above their associated ALS units; therefore, a waiver will be required. These units are also not mounted on frangible supports. Other criteria deviations for the ALS include an airport road at station 14 where the light plane clearance is only 4'. Region presently reviewing proposed waiver and other additional non-standard conditions.

3. The present null reference glide slope has been relocated. The recommissioned angle of 2.98 degrees will be lowered to a recommended 2.68 degrees to meet Category II standards concurrently with commissioning of Category II localizer. 

4. RVR-Approach end - Aeronca computer being replaced with an IFR computer; estimated completion November 1, 1967. Rollout end - transmissometer installed on 250-foot baseline. Computer installation in process with completion expected during November 1967. 

5. Outer marker requires relocation when glide slope angle lowered to 2.68 degrees. Region to submit request for temporary waiver for excessive spread between procedure turn altitude and glide slope altitude over OM if Category II minima approved prior to relocation. 

6. High intensity runway edge lights will be lowered from 24" to 14" by sponsor if waiver of lateral spacing and height is not approved. Waiver forwarded to Flight Standards August 28, 1967. 

7. Delivery of inner marker equipment scheduled during October 1967.

*8. Obstructions - trees penetrating final approach surface. Airport sponsor was requested to advise of action planned and dates scheduled for removal of obstructions. 

9. Standard Instrument Approach Procedure (Form 511) being developed for publication on February 24, 1968.