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4. V-ring localizer flight check completed October 21, 1967, and failed to meet Category II requirements. Facility is classified as Category I. Flight check results under study and resolution of problem not yet determined.

*5. Inner marker shipped during November 1967.

6. F&E continuous power project scheduled for completion December 1967.

7. Continuous power project for owner facilities not yet programmed. No estimated completion date available.

8. Far field monitor equipment scheduled for delivery November 1967.

Houston, Texas

Runway 8
150 feet wide; 9. 400 feet long; CPA Runway 8

*Estimated commissioning November 1968

*1. The terminal complex will not be completed until sometime in September 1968, and commissioning of the airport for operational use to follow within 60 days. Commissioning date has therefore been adjusted accordingly.

*2. Construction has started on the localizer and glide slope buildings. Electronic installation estimated to be completed during January 1968.

3. Construction has started on the Category II ALS; completion estimated in December 1967.

4. RVR required for approach and rollout end. A Project Materiel List has be received covering the RVR system earmarked for the approach RVR at this location. Appropriate requisition will be issued. Rollout end RVR programmed for delivery May 1968.

5. All facilities are programmed for power configuration A.

*6. Inner marker shipped during October 1967.