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[[9 column table]]
| Location | Runway | Airline Priority | In FAA Present Program | FAA Prepared to Move | CAT II Status | Is ILS CAT II | Major Holdup on 1600' RVR Day 1200' RVR Night | Major Holdup 1200' RVR Day and Night |

| Boston | 15R | 2 | New Program |   | None | No |   | Awaiting completio new runway (est. 1970) |

| Pittsburgh, Greater | 10L | 2 | Yes |   | None | No | Glide Slope Performance (est. 1971) |   | 

| Minneapolis | 29L | 2 |   | Yes | None | Yes |   | In-runway lights needed. FAA ready, awaiting local action | 

| St. Louis | 12R | 2 |   |   | None | No | Need new airport. Obstruction problem |   |

| Louisville | 1 | 2 | Yes |   | None | Yes | ALS/SFL gradient re-adjustment needed (est. Sept. 68) | RVR rollout end needed. Needs L-850's |   

| Houston IAH | 8 | 2 | Yes |   |  None | No |   | Airport completion (est. Dec. 68) |

| Fort Worth | 13 | 2 | New Program |   | None | No | No plans | No plans | 

| Kansas City MCI | 36 | 2 | New Program |   | None | No |   | R-36 extension program. Airport needed uncertain | 

| Salt Lake City | 34L | 2 | New Program |   | None | No |   | Possible obstruction problem. No FAAP request or plans for lights |