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[[9 Columned Table]] 

| Location | Runway | Airline Priority | In FAA Present Program | FAA Prepared to Move | CAT II Status | Is ILS CAT II? | Major Holdup on 1600' RVR Day 1200' RVR Night | Major Holdup 1200' RVR Day and Night |

| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Mamphis | 35 | 2 | New Program |   | None | No | Glide slope problem | Needs L-850's |
| Baltimore | 10 | 2 | New Program |   | None | No |   | Awaiting completion R15. Dirt moving, ALS relocation needed. New ILS needed. |
| Buffalo | 23 | 2 | Yes |   | None | No |   | Glide slope unsatisfactory 
| Washington National | 36 | 2 | Yes |   | None | Yes | Glide slope angle to be raised. | Obstruction clearance problem (Tower) |
| Dallas | 31L | 2 |   |   | None | No | No plans | No plans |
| Detroit Wayne | 3L | 2 | Yes |   | None | No | Localizer problem | L-850's and TDZ lights to be installed |
| New Orleans (Mois.) | 10 | 2 | Yes |   | None (rescinded) | Yes | In runway lights out of service 1600' RVR day/night cancelled | Needs L-850's and roll out RVR |
| Denver | 35 | 2 | Yes |   | 1600' RVR day 1200' RVR night | Yes |   | Needs L-850's |
| Anchorage | 6 | 2 | Yes |   | None | Yes | Future of runway 6 uncertain; excessive gradient |   |
| Tulsa | 35R | 2 | No |   | None | No |   |   |
| Oakland | 29 | 3 | Yes |   | None (rescinded) | No | Glide Path unsatisfactory 50 cp lights unsatisfactory | Needs L-850's |