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The passender revenue will be produced by an estimated volume of 252,400 in 1968 with the movement to and from Dulles accounting for 169,250 and that to and from Friendship for 83,150. By 1972, it is expected that the passenger volume will reach 715,000 per year. The number of passengers was arrived at by first constructing a total in-and-out movement for each airport for 1968 and each succeeding year through 1972. The airport totals assume an overall growth rate of 16 percent for 1968 diminishing to 10 percent in 1972. To distribute these totals among the three airports, it was assumed that National would reach a saturation point of 10 million passengers in 1968 and that the additional passengers in later years would be distributed between Dulles and Friendship. A distribution of 15 percent Dulles and 20 percent Friendship was used for 1968 and one of 29 percent each of 1972.
The helicopter passengers available from these totals are a portion of those originating at or destined to points in the downtown area of Washington, which is considered as being comprised of seven of the 98 study districts used in the Airport Access Study. These seven districts accounted for 35 percent of the Dulles and 11 percent of the Friendship arrivals and departures according to the data developed in the survey. NYA assumed that it would attract 10 percent of those passengers revealed as using private or rental cars and 25 percent of the taxi/limousine passengers.
The flying operations expense includes an allotment for pilots' and flight attendants' salaries computed at projected union pay rates