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 have been entered into at New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, the negotiation with the fixed-wing carriers of joint rates which will return to it a fare in excess of that which will be charged to the helicopter passenger or more direct contributions which would take the form of providing necessary services to the operator. Among such services alluded to were the provision of reservation services, the absorption of station expense, the burden of advertising and promotion.

Washington Airways, Inc. (WAI)
Organization. WAI is a corporation organized solely to obtain authority for and to operate a helicopter service in the Washington-Baltimore area. Its formation was instigated by American Airlines principally as an instrument through which the experience and resources of the fixed-wing carriers could be made available to provide a helicopter service in the area and absorb the losses anticipated at the outset and for a number of succeeding years.
The company is made up of ten of the fixed-wing carriers serving Washington and Baltimore, six trunk and four local-service carriers. The Board of Directors will consist of a member designated by each carrier participating. The agreement provides for the major part of the financing to be provided by the trunk carriers, excepting Northeast Airlines, their share being 98 percent and the remaining 2 percent being shouldered by Northeast and the local-service carriers. The losses will be absorbed among the carriers according to a formula which takes into account the number of passengers carrier by each carrier, the number of passenger