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If further news is anticipated with regard to search for the helicopter, survivors, etc., make frequent contact with next-of-kin even though there may be nothing specific to report. 

When a written message is used to notify next-of-kin, it should be for the signature of the President.


1. Accidents Occuring [[Occurring]] Inside Territorial U. S. 

When a major accident occurs while the engine or engines are being started or warmed up, or while the helicopter is in operation, the helicopter or parts thereof involved shall not be disturbed or removed unless specific permission is granted by an authorized representative of the Civil Aeronautics Board, except when necessary:

a. To give assistance to persons injured or trapped therein;

b. To protect such wreckage from further serious damage; or

c. To protect the public from injury.

All such accident investigations are the responsibility of the Civil Aeronautics Board. The Company is responsible for the protection of the helicopter until Civil Aeronautics Board officials arrive at the scene. No persons including Company, Federal Aviation Agency or other government personnel shall be permitted access to the helicopter (except as specified in a, b, or c above) until authorized by the Civil Aeronautics Board. (Release from Civil Aeronautics Board is not required if accident occurs while the helicopter is not in operation.)

2. Accidents Occuring [[Occurring]] outside Territorial U. S. (ICAO Regulations)

a. When an accident occurs within the territory of one member State, to a helicopter registered in another member State, it shall be the responsibility of the State of Occurrence to institute an accident injury. 

b. The State of Occurrence shall itself conduct the

Revised 1/18/63  Emergency Procedures Manual