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accident inquiry, but it may delegate any part thereof to the State of Registration. In any event, the State of Occurrence shall use every means to facilitate the inquiry, including recording and preserving by photographic or other adequate means, any evidential material which might be moved, lost or destroyed.


A. Only officers of the Company, Public Relations Counsel, or the Company official-in-charge at the scene may make statements to the press concerning any accident. When possible, all questions shall be referred to Public Relations Counsel.

B. At the scene of the accident no statement shall be made to the public, to government officials or to the press except by the person in charge, and it will be his responsibility to see that such statements are confined to facts which are established beyond question. Any general statement given to the press will be made by Public Relations Counsel. As a matter of public relations policy, information concerning known facts will not be withheld but will be given to the press as outlines above as soon as circumstance permits.

C. Initial statements made by surviving crew members and ground personnel at the scene of the accident, and subsequent statements made during the preliminary investigation at the scene, are of tremendous importance. These statements may affect the liability to passengers, shippers or person whose property was damaged on the ground, as well as claims by the Company against manufacturers for breach of warranty, recovery on insurance policies and the course of the subsequent investigations.

D. In the interest of accuracy it would be ideal for the above purposes if no statements at all were made until the real facts are finally determined. This ideal is not always attainable from a public relations standpoint. It is essential, however, that no statements be made which go beyond such facts as are established beyond question, or which indulge in any conjecture no matter how reasonable conjecture may seem. If pressed for remarks, an employee

Revised 1/18/63  Emergency Procedures Manual