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modifications in 1962; 111 in 1963; and 53 in 1964-a total of 241. Since all of these modifications were engineered in advance of the first delivery of a production model to the United States Marine Corps, it may reasonably be assumed that the military version benefitted from many of the improvements. 

Instrument Operations
New York Airways on February 16, 1965 received authority from the Federal Aviation Agency for primary instrument flight operation utilizing the Decca Navigator System. This is the first time that such authority has been granted for scheduled common carrier helicopter operations. Accordingly, after an extensive pilot training program, New York Airways will commence scheduled instrument flight operations in the fall of 1965. 

The Decca Navigator System shows the pilot visually his geographic location and a stylus inscribes on a local area map the exact path being flown enabling the pilot to fly directly to his destination much as a motorist follows a road map. The economic impact of this technological advance will be felt throughout the industry and will be reflected in a marked improvement in New York Airways operating record and earnings position. It is anticipated that with the commencement of instrument operations schedule reliability will be improved to levels comparable with those of the fixed-wing carriers. The beneficial effect upon the Company's ability to generate additional passenger traffic and revenues will be substantial. 

New York Airways has been advised that, because of its pioneering work with Decca, when the United States armed services required a helicopter navigation aid which could operate in the hilly terrain of Viet Nam under all weather conditions, it was possible for the government to procure the Decca Navigator System substantially as an "off-the-shelf" item. Without your Company's intensive developmental efforts the procurement of equipment to meet this military requirement would have been delayed a minimum of two years. 

[[caption]] Decca Navigator Presentation, New York Airways V-107 Cockpit[[/caption]]