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Your Company has requested the Board to review the Examiner's finding on the subsidy eligibility question. TWA, Pan Am, the Board's Bureau of Operating Rights and the Executive Branch of the Government have also requested the Board to review certain aspects of the Examiner's Initial Decision.

The Board has the right to adopt the Examiner's Initial Decision as it was issued or to modify it in any way it sees fit. It can reopen the record, have oral argument or simply issue an order. There is no way of forecasting the procedural steps that the Board may adopt, nor of forming an opinion as to what decision the Board may make.

Revenue Passenger Originations
[[image - line graph, 1956-1965]]

Commercial Revenue per Employee
[[image - two line graphs, 1956-1965]]

Scheduled Passengers per Employee
[[image - two line graphs, 1956-1965]]

Passenger Miles Sold
[[image - bar graph, 1956-1965]]

Ton Miles Sold
[[image - bar graph, 1956-1965]]

Ton Miles Produced 
[[image - bar graph, 1956-1965]]