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and present position in the industry. It also should detail progress thus far in 1958 and give results for the first half of the year. A second report then should be prepared in December. It would summarize the history and business of New York Airways as presented in more detail in the initial report, give the financial results for the first nine months and discuss the outlook for the full year of 1958. A third report then should be prepared early in 1959, coincident with the publication of the annual report. 

2. Immediate and continuing personal calls by the partners and staff members of the De Witt Conklin Organization on investment dealers in all important financial centers in the United States.

3. A series of luncheon meetings at which the management could meet with invited groups of investment dealers in several major cities. We would like to arrange them this year, if possible, for New York, Philadelphia and Boston, and to space them through the remainder of this year.

4. Preparation and dissemination of financial news releases on developments within the Company. These would cover interim and annual earnings reports, dividend declarations, changes in management or the Board of Directors, and other significant developments within the Company, such as expansion plans, acquisitions, new financing, etc.

5. Preparation, in consultation with the management, of a program for interim reports to stockholders as well as the annual report. In the

de witt conklin Organization