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preparation of these reports, we would render whatever assistance the management might desire from simple consultation to preparing the complete reports.


The program described above only can be made effective if the De Witt Conklin Organization does a capable job. Our ability to do this is indicated by the fact that we are the oldest and largest agency in this field and enjoy the confidence of investment bankers and security dealers from coast to coast. The organization consists of five active partners and six staff men, all of whom have had years of experience in the financial business. We are acquainted with literally thousands of brokers, dealers and security analysts in all parts of the country and keep in close touch with them on a daily basis through our four offices in New York, San Francisco, Dallas and Los Angeles. Because of these relationships and our own experience, we know the best individuals in different houses to see and know what they want to receive from us.

An important case in point is our progress bulletins. These are prepared by experienced financial writers, are tailored to suit the requirements of the audience they reach and are widely accepted as factual and pertinent sources of information. Over a period of time, over 2,000 individuals in brokerage houses, investment banking firms and other financial institutions have requested that their names be placed on our mailing list so that they receive their own copies of all our reports. They are used by the brokers and dealers not only as research

de witt conklin Organization