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37. FAA, Part 619. Special Airport Traffic Rules. (Reg. Docket No. 301), issued October 24, 1960; Federal Register, p. 10343, October 28, 1960.
38. FAA, Part 60. Air Traffic Rules. (Reg. Docket No. 531; Amendment 60-24), issued September 22, 1961.
39. The Harris Report, at pp. 13-18 and 20-22, gave a good summary of Federal noise reduction efforts up to the date of the Report (February 27, 1963). A more recent summary is contained in various papers in the White House Report as of October, 1965, especially Hubbard, NASA-Sponsored Research Relating to the Airport -- Community Noise Problem; Woodall, FAA Noise Suppression Program; and von Gierke, Air Force Program on Aircraft Noise Control, at pp. 35, 43 and 48, respectively.
40. See the White House Report, referred to in footnote 10, supra.
41. "Aircraft noise is a growing source of annoyance and concern to the thousands of citizens who live near many of our large airports. As more of our airports begin to accommodate jets and as the volume of air travel expands, the problem will take on added dimension.
"There are no simple or swift solutions. But it is clear that we must embark now on a considered effort to alleviate the problems of aircraft noise. To this end, I am today directing the President's science adviser to work with the Administrators of the Federal Aviation Agency and National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the Secretaries of Commerce, and of Housing and Urban Development, to frame an action program to attack this problem."
Statement by President Johnson in his Transportation message to Congress, March 2, 1966. 
