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NARA 597

Office of Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands for Robeson County
Lumberton September 2nd 1865

This agreement made and entered - into this 2nd day of September 1865 between D.M. Currie Planter of Robeson Co of the one part and Peter Currie a colored Freedman of said Co of the other part Witnesseth that the said D.M. Currie agrees to pay the said Freedman twenty eight dollars current money for services from the 27th day of  April until the end of the present year with his own crop which he has raised this season. And the said Freedman agrees to receive the above named compensation in full of all demands for his labor during the year 1865. Said Freedman further agrees and by these presents binds himself to tender true and faithful service to the said Mr. Currie obeying all his lawful commands as he was in the habit of doing when a Slave
D. M. Currie
Peter his x mark Currie

Witnessed and approved
James Sinclair
Agt of Bureau