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Bureau of Refugees, Freedman and Abandoned lands
Head Quarters Sub. District of Robeson
Lumberton Sept 29th 1865

This indenture made and entire into this 29th day of Sep A.D. 1865 between Elias Mitchel Planter of Robeson Co. of the first part and Alfred Mitchel Freed laborer for himself personally and his wife Martha with her seven children. Witnesseth that the said Elias Mitchel agrees, covenants and binds himself by these present to pay to the said freed laborer for himself and his family for their labor on his plantation from the 27th of April last until the 25th of Dec next at the following rates to wit, 15 bushels corn his own cattle crop, 1/2 Gall. Molasses, 4 hogs, the usual rations of clothing and food and if sick to apply to the surgeon of the Bureau for this Sub Dist. for said laborers relief [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] or that of his family and the said laborer on his part agrees for himself and his family to receive the above as full compensation for the work of himself and family for the year 1865, and he further agrees to render true and faithful service