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Edisto Island S.C.   3'

[[4 Columned Table]]
| When recid | Applicant or Atty | Property | Remarks|
| Nov 4 1 | Seabrook Henry Whaley Wm Atty. |
| ”Brookland” |   |
| Nov. 4 2 | Clark, A.J. Whaley Wm Atty. ✓ | 
“Cypress Trees.” Ph.|   |
| Nov 4. 3. | Murray J.J. ✓ | "Meggetts Place" |   |
| Nov 4. 4 | Whaley W. James. Whaley Sn.r.. ✓ | 1. "Crawford" 2. "The Neck" 3. Situate on Cheraw Riv. St Barth'w P. |   |
| Nov 4 5 | Beckett. T. A. atty for Will.. Beckett. dec. | 1 "West End" 2 "Sam's place" |   |
| Nov. 4. 6. | Whaley Wm.. Atty for W.E. Seabrook ✓ | "Bailey's" |   |