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Edisto Island S.C. 
[[4 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| When Rec'd. | Applicant or Atty | Property or plantation | Remarks |

| Nov 4. 19. | Bailley E.C. Kubon & Legare. Attys | Plantation on Edisto Is. |   |

| Nov 4 20 | Hanahan. R.B. H. Seabrook Atty | Place. 4 acres on Edisto Is. |   |

| Nov 4. 21 | Seabrook J. Edwd. Whaley Wm Atty | "Oak Island" |    |

| Nov. 4 22 | Murray Wm M. Whaley Wm Atty. | "Jackdaw Hall." "The Parsonage" One on Fenwick Isl. |   |

| Nov 4 23 | Wescoat J.J.R. Ex. C.J. Bailley | "Point of Pines" "Henry Bailley Place" |   |

| Nov 10 24 | Jenkins John  Whaley Wm Atty. | "Old Hill" |   |


Edisto Island S.C.

[[4 columned table]]
| When rec'd | Applicant or Atty | Property | Remarks. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Nov. 4. 25.| Bailey C.H. | Edisto & Wadmalaw Isl. |   |

| Nov 4 26 | Baynard E.M. | Plantation |   |

| Nov 4 27 | Mikelll J.J. Whaley Wm Atty | "Peters Point," "Bailey's Island," "Swallow Bluff." "California" & "Vinegar Hill" |   |

| Nov 4. 28 | Baynard T.A. Whaley Wm Atty | "Ravenswood" |   |

| Nov 4. 29. | Edings Mrs H.M.W. | "Bayview" |   |

Transcription Notes:
from TIPS: "To transcribe empty cells, please simply use two vertical pipe bars (|) with three empty spaces in between"