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[[5 columned table]]
| When rec. | No | Applicant or Atty. | Property where situate | Remarks |
| 1865 Nov 4 | 5 | Beckett T.A. atty for Wm. Beckett dec. | 1 West End. Sams. place on Edisto Island. |   |

| Nov 4. | 16 | Bailley Constantine | Blue House on Edisto Island. |   |

| Nov 4 | 17 | Bailley Wm. M. M.D. Whaley Wm. Atty | Old Dominion Bailley Island [[Maney's?]] Place The Farm on Edisto Island |   |

| Nov 4 | 19 | Bailley E.C. Hutson & Legare Attys | 1 Pln on Edisto Isld |   |

| Nov 4 | 25 | Bailley C.H. | Pln. on Edisto Isld. |   |

| Nov 4 |   | Baynard E.M. | Pln on Edisto Isld. |   |

Transcription Notes:
from TIPS: "To transcribe empty cells, please simply use two vertical pipe bars (|) with three empty spaces in between".