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January 31, 1950

Dear Sir: 

I thank you for your letter of January 21st., which I duly received. 

I appreciate the proposition that you suggest of a new sale to me at the figure of 18,000.

However, it is one which in view of present circumstances I am unable to make use of. The market for high class French furniture is extremely low. 

Previously I had asked you whether you saw your way clear to giving me the lowest figure you would accept for the Riesner console table, and today I am reiterating this question, as well as the lowest figure you would accept for the "gobelin".

The separate prices you mention are unfortunately out of the question. Should you not be able to reduce these prices considerably I would suggest that we let the matter drop for the time being. 

As I believe I wrote you earlier, I have not gone over to the warehouse to look at these different pieces, as the clients I had in mind were not interested in seeing them at the indicated values. 

Trusting you will understand the spirit in which I am writing you, 

Yours very sincerely, 

(Germain Seligman)

Mr. L.P. Soegaard
p.t. Kanslergade 7
Copenhagen Ø