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December 22, 1949 

Dear Mr. Soegaard: 

I thank you for your letter of November 26th., with the three photographs. 

I am afraid we may be wasting considerable time, as, may I say, you do not answer my different questions, and I am unable therefore to proceed in any direction. 

a) In your letter referring to a tapestry, the photograph however shows a rug. I surmise that in Danish tapestry and rug are the same word.

b) What are the dimensions of the rug?

c) I have also repeatedly asked you for your valuation.

You must certainly understand that my reason for asking a valuation, as if you value an item at a hundred and I at ten, there is really nothing further I can do. On the other hand if you value an item at forty and at ten we may be able to find a common ground around fifteen or twenty. 

I am glad to read that under certain circumstances you could be interested in accepting Persian carpets. I shall bear this in mind should I see any opportunity along those lines. 

Now, as regards your P.S., there is no doubt that these items would be easier t sell were they in my place of business where they could be shown, but here again it would make very little sense for me, either to have them here or for me to consign them to another dealer, should we not have some ground to believe we could get together on the price. 

Looking forward to hearing from you, and with the best compliments of the season, 

Yours very sincerely, 

(Germain Seligman)

L.P. Søegaard, Esq.
p.t. Kanslergade 7, 
Copenhagen Ø. 