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L. P.Søegaard
p.t. Kanslergade 7
Copenhagen Ø.    
Copenhagen, the 21st of Sept.1949

Mr.Germain Seligmann and/or Jacques Seligmann & Co. Inc.
5th East 57th Street
New York.

Dear Sirs,

Taking reference to our previous correspondence I hereby beg to inform you that the objects of art mentioned therein have now been cleared through the customs and placed in the Manhattan Storage & Warehouse Co.

I therefore take the liberty of asking you, if you still take an interest in said objects; if so, I should be glad if you would make a bid for some pieces of furniture or for all of them.

I beg to hand you enclosed a power of attorney authorizing you to inspect the objects, if you should wish to do so.

As you know, it has taken a very long time to have the objects cleared through the customs, and therefore I should feel under obligation, if you would favour me with your reply at your earliest convenience.

Yours respectfully

Transcription Notes:
. Cannot put danish "O" into transcription.