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The Foreign Service
of the
United States of America

4609 Chevy Chase Blvd
Chevy Chase Md
16 Feb 48


Dear George
Oh dear - still I cannot thank you enough for your very kind good offices in my small affairs. I'll be in New York very possibly on Washington's birthday, or at any rate as soon as I can, and relieve you of the object. By then I will perhaps have comments from Berlin, from the moral owner. In the meantime, let insurance [[?]] etc, subject as before to no responsibility on your part or the part of your firm, and store the vase somewhere unobtrusive till I relieve you of it.

I myself am hard at work and love  it - all french and german trade union affairs, for the time being.

Love to all,
Tom Stauffer

[[right margin]] Stauffer [[/right margin]]