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December 3, 1947

Dear Mr. Stern:

Before you left for Europe, you were good enough to suggest to me that I should let you know should there still be time, upon your return, to have your Ingres drawing photographed in order to have it included in the book on this artist which is in preparation. For that reason, I am asking you to be kind enough to send me two glossy prints in black and white of your drawing, 8" x 10", which I will forward to Paris immediately.

I take the opportunity of these lines to say how pleased I would be to see you very soon again. I hope you will have a few spare moments to come to our galleries one afternoon where I would be glad to show you our latest acquisitions.

With best regards, 

Sincerely yours,

(Georges E. Seligmann)

Mr. Jacques Stern
941 Park Avenue
New York 28, N.Y.


Transcription Notes: