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Phone Bryant 0280

Jules P. Storm, & Sons
Inc. New York
2 West 46th Street

December 3rd, 
1 9 2 4.

Jacques Seligmann & Company,
705 Fifth Avenue,
New York City.

Replying to your Mr. Trevor's inquiry as to the rates, I beg to enclose herewith a tabulated form in which I have defined the various positions . To enlighten you further the first rate means wherever the paper sees fit to put it - the other rate is contingent on a location that will make the ad seen, by this I mean, alonside [[alongside]] of reading matter. The out-of-town papers do not specify top-of-column as our papers do here, but I have also defined the various positions on our local papers.

The rate is based on one line - 14 lines to an inch; you can therefore estimate the amount of space you care to use. Ads that are running in what is termed "full position" must be 3" in length.

Thanking you for the inquiry, and in the hope it may be my good fortune to service you, I beg to remain,

Yours very truly,
Jules P Storm


Transcription Notes:
Unsure of mark over top of text.