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[[2 columned table]]
| Name | Date |
| Matter, Wm. H. | June 26; Sept. 12; and Dec. 12, 1865 |
| Mc Clure, Jno. M. Capt. | May 29; and June 3, 1865 |
| Mc Corny, H. | July 2 and 20, 1865 |
| Mc Courney, Ann M. | See Whipple, Mary R.; Ellen E. Watson, Ann M. Mc Courney |
| Mc Coy, A.D. | Jan. 26, 1867 |
| Mc Guire, A.M. Miss | July 7, 1865 |
| Mc Nair, John | Sept. 10; Nov. 25; Dec. 12, 1864; Sept.18, 1865 |
| Mc Pherson, E. | Sept. 6, 1865 |
| Meine, Otto | October 12, 1864 |
| Mersher, Wm. H. | July 10, 1865 |
| Meyers, Chas. A. | Oct. 28; Nov. 10 and 22, 1865; and Apr. 11 1866
| Milden, M. | March 13, 1865 |
| Miller, C.P. | Oct. 26, and Dec. 1, 1865 |
| Moss, E.E. Chaplain | July 11, 1865 |
| Moss, Rufus H. | Oct. 1, 1865 |
| Murphy, N.M. | Jan. 18 and Oct. 29, 1865 |
| Nage, E.L. Capt. | May 20, 1865 |
| Nelson, M.J. | May 1, 1865 |
| Newmann, Louis | Nov. 27, 1867 |
| Newton, C.H. | Jan. 20, 1865 |
| Noell, H.A. | Dec. 19, 1865 |
| Nolan, Lizzie | May 17 and Aug. 22, 1865 |
| Noyes, James Capt. | April 8, 1864 |
| O'Harra, Patrick | Dec. 18, 1865 |
| Oldham, Geo. B. | Nov. 23, 1865 |
| Oliver, Margaret | Dec. 18, 1865 |