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Provost Marshal's Office,

Bonnet Cassé. May 10th 1864.

Maj. R. Rush Plumley,
Chairman of the Board of Education,

I have the honor to report that Schools have been established in Dists. Nos. 1 & 3 Left Bank & No. 2 Right Bank

The School-building in Dis. No. 1. L.B. I rented of Mr. Octave Elfer at $15 per month - in Dis. No. 3 of Mr. Francis Garrett at $8 per month - In Dis No 2 R. B. the building occupied was a store - The proprietors refused to rent it & in accordance with instructions from the Board I seized it & I would recommend that no rent be paid for it - I telegraphed to the Board last week to ascertain if they could send  me a teacher who could furnish her own room and board herself & receiving an affirmative answer, I took possession of an unoccupied building (the owner refusing to rent it) in Dis no 1 RB and had it fitted out for school