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Provost Marshal's Office,

Thibodeaux, May 25th 1864.

Col H. N Frisbee


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 21st and in reply would state that on a personal examination of the two buildings referred to I am of the opinion that neither of them could be made suitable for a Schoolhouse without much expense, the buildings were negro quarters formerly and the occupation of the premises for some time by the Union troops have rendered them both uninhabitable the brick foundations are mostly gone all the windows, flooring, doors and weather boards have all been destroyed, neither of the buildings were occupied by Gen Weitger that buildings is the residence at this present time of Dr Joseph H. Pugh.

I sent Mr Webber to examine the buildings and he made the enclosed report which you will readily perceive is not written or spelt according to Murray but will give you some idea of the situation of the premises, there is a brick ware house near the above buildings at present unoccupied and in my opinion would