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Office of the Era,
94 Camp Street.
New Orleans, 28th July 1864.

Isaac G Hubbs Esq
Board of Education

Dear Sir/

We regret to be compelled to call your attention to the fact that And Account of $159 Dollars against the Board  remains unsettled, altho' the Amount has been duly paid by the Quartermaster, and the money entrusted to you for the purpose of settling with us. -

It is quite evident that you have not acted with due promptness in calling at this office for the purpose of identifying the employee to whom you allege you paid the money.- We have therefore to request that you will do so without delay in order that justice may be done, or that you pay the money at once, and receive your due bill.

In default of which it will be our duty to make out a statement of the Case in the form of an affidavit and submit the same to the Commanding General.-

Hoping for a satisfactory termination of what now seems to be a mystery.-

We remain respectfully
Your obedient servants

Gracy & Fairfax