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New Orleans August 25th 1864

Maj Gen N.P. Banks
Commanding Dept of the Gulf

Dear General
Allow me to express to you my cordial thanks for the uniform favor which you have manifested toward loyal Christianity within the limits of your command & [[strikethrough]] especially [[/strikethrough]] for the confidence with which I now assume its advocacy. 

Some three months since I was appointed by the Rev Dr Newman, the Preacher in charge of the church situated on Louisiana Avenue belonging to the M E Church South & placed at the disposal of the Reverend Bishop Ames by the order of the Secretary of War & by your own special order No 15. 

From that time, I have personally conducted Divine service there every Sabbath until additional responsibilities occasioned by the present absence of Dr Newman have required me in a few instances to procure a supply. 

We have a growing Sabbath School of some sixty or