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Office of Provost Marshal,
Houma, October 31st 1864

Lieut. E.U. Wheelock,
Lacy Board of Education
Mr. Bennie has just handed me your letter of Oct. 28th relative to vacating the school house on the Danne Plantation and the one in Hourier
I can move the school in Hourier from the building now occupied to the Methodist Church- a building that has not been used for Religious Services since the communication of the rebellion-
On the Danne Place there is no house siutable [[suitable]] for a school except the one we now occupy- Mr. Bennie has been very anxious for me to move from the school house in Houma- and I should have done so before this had he shown me any voucher that he had reimbursed you for expenses in refinishing the house-
I shall be happy to hear from you advising me what you wish done in the matter and it shall be