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Thibodaux 1st Nov. 1864

Lieut. Wheelock
Sec. Board of Education }

Dr. Sir
With this I hand you a copy of my request to the Provost Marshal for the possession of those buildings described therein. The second one however, is the same as Mr. Irby now occupies, but we had only entered it without authority, & we find that as no one is in rightful occupancy of the buildings, for the better carrying out of our plans, we had best ask & obtain, if possible, possession of the whole of them. 

The first one, I am told had been used for a school house but is now unemployed, or employed to keep us out. The windows have been removed, & the openings nailed up with boards. I think we shall obtain it. It is about 25 by 16 feet. The third one, has been used as a retail store, & is entirely unoccupied. It was rented by a saloon keeper at six dollars a month, to keep out competing traders. I promised to pay five dollars a month for it, & have this day taken the key & have the promise of a carpenter tomorrow. I think we shall need glazed sash for it, as now the openings are closed only by wooden shutters. It has no chimney & will need a stove. A few days only are necessary to get it ready for the