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Board of Education for Freedmen
Department of the Gulf,
New Orleans, Nov. 28th 1864.

Mr. John MacNair
Sup. Public Instruction La.
Dear Sir

Your communication bearing date Nov 25th relative to the schoolhouses at Houma & one near Terrebonne Station is recd.
The Board of Education [[crossed out]] and [[/crossed out]] instructions [[crossed out]] for [[/crossed out]] Genl. Banks, prior to his departure to the North, to this effect that they might use for school purposes the vacant schoolhouses of the Country parishes. [[crossed out]] then [[/crossed out]] if these buildings should subsequently be needed for the instruction of the white children they were to be yielded for that purpose, the Board being previously reimbursed for any outlay they may have incurred in repairs.
Under this order the Bd. took possession of the Schoolhouse at Houma. This house had not been occupied during the war and was in a dismantled & dilapidated condition, being without windows or a floor. & It was repaired at an expense of $104.90 without estimating the