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Mr Whipple asked me many questions and said that among other things Hubbs said you drew money promiscuously from the funds belonging to the Board and made no legal returns, &c &c &c &c all of which I obstinately denied, and told Mr. Whipple that I wished Mr Hubbs to understand it was nothing more or less than a lie. Mr. Whipple expects to visit N.O. shortly and I think a conversation with you will satisfy him. If I could set eyes on Hubbs I should certainly give him a little tongue about his trying to injure you. I was shameful and left the minds of Mr Whipple & Mr Joyce rather unsettled as to whom is to blame. 

However I am sure you will be glad to see Mr. W. and tell him the facts.

I send you in care of Duncan & Co by this steamer a gold pen - pencil & holder, which I hope will please you, & which you will please accept with the compliments of the firm. 

We will ship the tablet slates by next transport, but find we cannot get the Lignite slate of the size you wanted. Can get plenty of the size larger. I will not send any of the lignite untill I hear from you. What I mean by the Lignite is the slate that is all wood - black.

Will you please present my