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New Orleans Jun 1 - 1865
Lieut E. W. Wheelock
Secy Board of Education

Sir Pursuent to your request I here present a written Reply to the Report of your agent Mr. Lehman concerning the appropriation of lumber to belonging to the Board of Education for Freedman Mr. Lehman's information is true in the following particulars namley that, I have a shop on Camp st near Calliope that upon the Discharge of the hands by the Board last summer I kept two men employed there in accordance with the instructions of the Board through Mr. Hubbs I employed them upon piece work; their has been no more or left lumber of the Board then making the piece work. Black boards and desks there was some sliding doors not from School of Liberty but from the Brise school was left them by the teamster in my absence and still remain there; some Pine and walnut remnants were taken from the shop of the Board at my request and the former made into a lathe wheel and the latter into a safe by the Permission of Mr. Hubbs but that the making of them took no time belonging to the Board Nor was the material fit for any of the uses of the Board being the cuttings from the desk lumber, that said safe and wheel were made by the carpenters Employed by the Board but by the two men above mentioned; that for the comfort of Mr. McAllister a workman of the Board, I temporarily inserted a window sash of the Board in a Room of the Shop