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Baton Rouge Jan 18th 1865
Lieut. Wheelock
Dear Sir,
In an accompanying sheet I send a report of what I have been able to learn in reference to Miss Murphy's claim for rent. I am not acquainted with her, but she is not very highly esteemed by our officials here. She is known as a shrewd, cunning and scheming woman and probably none too loyal, although in rebel service who was formerly connected with her in teaching. If any rent is allowed her it should certainly be very much diminished after all her recovery of damages, and our expenses in repairing. Our repairs have paid her well for the use of the house for one year.
After considerable trouble and delay I have been able to secure wood sufficient to last our schools for some time and inclose a bill of the same and hope the money so expended may be refunded very promptly.
Our schools are fast regaining their prosperity and I trust our numbers will soon be as great as even greater, than at any former time in their history.